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Anniversary of the Beginning of Baikal-Amur Mainline Construction

Anniversary of the Beginning of Baikal-Amur Mainline Construction

On June 23, 2014 the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issues two coins of the series «The 40th Anniversary of the Beginning of Baikal-Amur Mainline Construction».

The obverse: a relief image of the Emblem of the Bank of Russia — a two-headed eagle with wings down, and a semicircular inscription under it «БАНК РОССИИ» (BANK OF RUSSIA), framed with a circle of beads. Inscriptions along the rim divided by dots indicate the denomination of the coins «ДВАДЦАТЬ ПЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ» (TWENTY FIVE ROUBLES), «ПЯТЬДЕСЯТ РУБЛЕЙ» (FIFTY ROUBLES) respectively and the year of issue «2014», between them there is an indication of the metal according to D.I. Mendeleyev Periodic System of Elements, purity, trade mark of the Saint Petersburg mint and fine precious metal content.

Reverse: of the silver proof coin bears relief images of workers laying rails against a background of forest contours. There is a scheme of Baikal-Amur Mainline at the bottom, a date «1974» on the left and inscriptions «БАМ» (BAM) on the scheme and «НАЧАЛО СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА» (BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION) along the circumference at the bottom;

Anniversary of the Beginning of Baikal-Amur Mainline Construction

Reverse: of the gold proof coin depicts relief images of profiles of men and women — builders of Baikal-Amur Mainline against a background of hills and a railway bridge across a river. There is an inscription in four lines «40 ЛЕТИЕ НАЧАЛА СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА БАМ» (THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEGINNING OF BAIKAL-AMUR MAINLINE CONSTRUCTION).

Сountry: Russia
Data of issue:    June 23, 2014
Face value: 25 Roubles       50 Roubles
Metal: Silver .925 Gold .999
Weight: 155,5 g 7,78 g
Diameter: 60 mm 22,6 mm
Quality: Proof BU
Mintage: 1,000 pcs 750 pcs


Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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