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Купить монеты Australia, 2 dollars, 2016

Australia, 2 dollars

Aluminum-Bronze, 20.5 mm., 6.6 g.

2016 Australian Olympic Team. Obv.: 4th portrait of Queen Elizabeth II facing right wearing the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara. Lettering: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2016 IRB Engraver: Ian Rank-Broadley. Rev.: Depiction of Six Olympic Sports, Taekwondo, Rowing, Boxing, Modern Pentathlon, Diving & Handball, surrounding the Green Olympic Ring. Within the Green Olympic Ring the Kangaroo & Emu of the Australian Coat of Arms, the five interlocking Olympic Rings and the 7 pointed star to represent the Six States and Territories of Australia. Lettering: 2016 AUSTRALIAN OLYMPIC TEAM TWO DOLLARS Engraver: B. King

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