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25th Anniversary Berlin Wall Gold-Plated Silver Medallion

Precisely split, this sensational gold-plated silver medallion forms the most appropriate tribute to the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall one could imagine.

The Berlin Wall, built by communist East Germany in 1961 to halt a flood of departures to the west, was more than just a foreboding construction of concrete, steel and barbed wire. It was an oppressive reminder of the Cold War – a symbolic barrier to freedom, and a disturbing icon of a divided world. As the USSR stumbled towards its inevitable demise, Soviet satellite states such as East Germany buckled. Symbolising the collapse of communism in Europe, the Berlin Wall was opened in November 1989.

25th Anniversary Berlin Wall Gold-Plated Silver Medallion

Depicting the fall of the Wall on the reverse, with the obverse illustrating the line of the old East- West German border, the split down the middle of the 10g, 30mm diameter flan is a stroke of genius. Sure to be a major hit, we have a small number of medallions in stock – each set on a display stand.

Data of issue:   July, 2014
Face value:medallion     
Metal:Gold-plated Silver
Weight:10 g
Diameter:30 mm


Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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