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Silver 200CZK coin Tomáš Baťa jr. standard

On 17 September 2014, Tomáš Baťa junior – one of visionaries who had a revolutionary impact on the progress of industry in the world – would be 100 years old. On this occasion, the Czech National Bank decided to pay respect to this remarkable man by dedicating to him a commemorative silver 200-crown coin. The design for the coin was created by Vojtěch Dostál. The obverse side features an ad-like composition symbolising the Baťa firm, on the reverse we can see a portrait of Tomáš Baťa junior.

By family tradition, Tomáš Jan Baťa, the only offspring of the founder of the Czech shoe factory, famous Tomáš Baťa, had to complete his apprenticeship as a shoemaker. After his father’s tragic death in 1932, the firm was headed by his uncle, Jan Antonín Baťa. During WW2, Tomáš Baťa junior left the country with 100 families of loyal Baťa‘s employees and emigrated to Canada, where he built a new company headquarters – Batawa. After the war, Bata Shoe Organization became under his leadership the largest world shoe manufacturer and seller. Until his old age he remained an active sportsman and abided by one of his main principles"The customer is always right". He died shortly before his 94th birthday on 1 September 2008.

Silver 200CZK coin Tomáš Baťa jr. standard

Silver 200CZK coin Tomáš Baťa jr. standard

Weight:13 g
Fineness:925 / 1000
Diameter:31 mm
Edge:Reeded edge
Author of the obverse:Vojtěch Dostál, DiS.
Author of the reverse:Vojtěch Dostál, DiS.
Mintage:5800 ks
Date of issue:Září 2014
Numbered issue:No



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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