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The coin Thunderbirds 50 Years

The coin Thunderbirds 50 Years

The coin Thunderbirds 50 Years

New Zealand Mint is delighted to release the Thunderbirds 50 Years 1 oz Silver Coin to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the iconic Sci-Fi tv show 'Thunderbirds'.

Gerry Anderson’s now classic show blasted onto television screens in 1965. Using a unique puppet system known as SuperMarionation, Thunderbirds became an instant hit. Set in the year 2065 on a secret island, the series stars the Tracy family, who together battle the forces of evil as ‘International Rescue'.
Included in this line up were five vehicles known as Thunderbirds. Piloted by the talented Tracy brothers, the dynamic combination ensured heroic search and rescue missions in each intrepid episode.

Today Thunderbirds remains one of the most influential British Sci-Fi television shows of its era, and continues to play an influential part in modern culture.

This highly collectible coin has a Limited Mintage of only 5,000 coins.

With this release, New Zealand Mint blasts off the 2015 Thunderbirds programme, with six silver coins due for release over the coming months. First up is this official 50th Anniversary coin, in fine gilded silver. Stay tuned for the next exciting release as we count down from 5 to 1.

This design features the Thunderbirds 50th Anniversary logo gilded against a polished background.

This features the Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Country of Issue - Niue.

This stunning Thunderbirds 50 Years anniversary coin is presented in a futuristic, clear Perspex coin case.

A classic box and uniquely numbered Certificate of Authenticity, make this one of a kind release and a classy and nostalgic gift for any Thunderbirds fan or coin aficionado.



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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