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The coin Fado

The coin Fado

The coin Fado

The first in a new series of coins dedicated to Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity originating in Portugal, the Portuguese Mint and Official Printing Office has minted a commemorative collector coin making reference to Fado, a genre of music listed by UNESCO in November 2011.
The obverse of the coin, created by sculptor Andreia Pereira, bears a fragment of a Portuguese guitar, an instrument that is inseparable from Fado, and a representation of the geographical limits of the heart of Lisbon, the port of departure of nostalgic sailors who brought the new rhythms with them.
On the reverse of the coin, the musical instrument moves from the edge of the composition to the centre, subtly alluding to the outline of a prow and rails of a sailing ship calling at the Lisbon quays, with the six pairs of chords from the obverse transforming into lines of a musical score tuned to Fado - G-D-C-G-D-B - the most commonly used by the Portuguese guitar.
With a face value of 2.50 euros, this coin is minted in 925‰ silver with proof finishing, and in cupronickel with normal finishing.


Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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