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Legends on Coins — Fulda

Adalbertus D.G. Epis. et Abb. Fuld. S.R.I. Pr.
Adalbert, by the grace of God, Bishop and Abbot of Fulda, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire.
Adolphus D.G. S.R.I. Pr. et Ab. Fuld. D.A.A.P.G.G.P.
Adolph, by the grace of God, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Abbot of Fulda, Arch-chancellor of saintly August, Primate of Germany and Gaul.
Adolphus D.G. S.R.I. Prln. et Abb. Fuld.
Adolph, D.G., Prince of S.R.I., Abbot of Fulda.
A.R. Imperatricis Archic. P.G. & G. Prim.
Archchancellor of the august Empress of the Romans, Primate for Germany and Gaul.
Aug. Rom. Imp. Arch. C. Per. Germ, et Gall Prim.
Arch-chancellor of the august Empress of the Romans. Primate for Germany and Gaul.
Avlta Religions et lustltla
By ancestral religion and justice.
Balthasar D.G. Abbas Fuldens D. Aug. Ar.
Balthasar, Abbot of Fulda, Arch-chancellor of the saintly August.
Bernardus Gustavus Abbas
Bernhard Gustav, Abbot of Fulda, Archchancellor of the saintly August, Primate of Germany and Gaul, Margrave of Baden and Hochberg, confirmed Coadjutor of the ecclesiastical territory of Kempten and imperial Siegburg, Canon of the ecclesiastical cathedral of Cologne and Strassburg 1672.
Bernardus Gustavus Dei
Bernhard Gustav, by the grace of God, Cardinal Prince of the Holy Roman Church, Abbot of Fulda, Margrave of Baden, confirmed Coadjutor of Kempten and Siegburg, 22 February 1672.
Candore et Amore
Candor and love.
Consilio et Aequitate
With deliberation and justice.
Pietate et Constantia
By piety and steadfastness.
Placidus D.G. Abb. Fuld. S.R.I. Pr. D.A. Arch. P. Germ. & Gall. Pr.
Placidus, D.G., Abbot of Fulda, Prince of S.R.I., Arch-chancellor of the the saintly August, Primate of Germany and Gaul.
Rudolf. II Rom. Impera. Aug. P.F.D.
Rudolph II, R.I.S.A., with permission to be struck by decree.
Rudol. II Rom. Imperator Aug. P.F. De.
Rudolph II, R.I.S.A., with permission to be struck by decree.
Sub Pondere
Under the weight (power).