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Coins Catalog — Tunis, 1 fals, 1758–1773


Tunis, 1 fals

Copper, 21 mm., 3.4 g.


Obverse description: Sultan name in 3 lines Reverse description: Mint and Islamic date below

Year Marks Mintage Quality Price
1758 1171 UNC
Изображения тиража Динамика цен на монеты 1758 date?. 1758-1773 UNC ~ $12.81–$14.74
1759 1172 UNC
1760 1173 UNC
1761 1174 UNC
1762 1175 UNC
1763 1176 UNC
1764 1177 UNC
1765 1178 UNC
1766 1179 UNC
1767 1180 UNC
1768 1181 UNC
1769 1182 UNC
1770 1183 UNC
1771 1184 UNC
1772 1185 UNC
1773 1186 UNC
1773 1187 UNC
Tunis, 1 fals, 1758–1773 View details Rotate image
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