Kazakhstan, 200 tenge Copper-Nickel, 33 mm., 15 g. Категории:. Obverse: the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan is depicted in the central part, elements of the national ornament are to the left and to the right of it. Along the circumference - the inscriptions QAZAQSTAN ULTTYQ BANKI • NATIONAL BANK OF KAZAKHSTAN. At the bottom is the inscription 200 TEŃGE, indicating the face value of the coin. Reverse: in the central circle portrait image of Qanysh Satbaev. To the left of the portrait are the inscription 125 JYL. At the top along the circumference is the inscription QANYSH SÁTBAEV, at the bottom left is the year of birth 1899, at the right is the anniversary year 2024, separated by Satbaev’s personal signature. Информация о выпуске (подробности в каталоге):
Эта монета уже была куплена за 2 000 руб.
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