The image of fully-equipped firefighters' team in a horse-drawn cart is the central motif. The lower part features the semi-circled inscription 5 EURO.
The edge bears the inscriptions LATVIJAS BANKA and LATVIJAS REPUBLIKA, separated by rhombic dots.
As soon as Prometheus had stolen fire from the gods on Mount Olympus and given it to the mortals, people learnt how to control fire and started to use it in their everyday life. Alas, fire simultaneously multiplied the problems of humankind. The human history abounds in disasters, smaller and bigger, brought or caused by fire. Over time, fires, calamities and lesser everyday accidents have been gaining in diversity and complexity. The control of fire soon highlighted the need for more specific firefighting methods, advanced organisational principles and procedures as well as better equipment and technologies. Firefighting entered a new phase, and volunteer firefighting brigades gradually changed into professional or career divisions.
In Latvia, the very first firefighters' brigade was formed in 1845 in Daugavpils, then Dinaburg of Vitebsk gubernia. The first firefighting unit in Riga emerged in 1864; the first fire it extinguished on 17 May 1865 burnt someplace in the old town. Riga was immediately followed by Mītava (currently Jelgava), with volunteer fire brigades popping up one after another and putting out bursting flames elsewhere in Latvia. Prior to World War II, there were well over 200 firefighting brigades all in all.
A unit of firefighters, called "The Running Column" and paid by the City Council, was established in Riga in 1882. It was joined by four firefighters divisions in 1907, forming a city team headed by a brand major of the Riga City Firefighting Department. Four fire stations were built there between 1886 and 1902; another one built in 1910 at the corner of Hanza and Strēlnieku Streets (currently the Latvian Firefighting Museum) was crowned by an observation and fire hose drying tower. Thanks to the mastery of architect Reinhold Georg Schmaeling (1840–1917), these buildings today preserve their historical significance and cultural value.
The evolving of Latvia's firefighting transport and equipment from hand to steam pumps and from horse-drawn carts to powerful motor vehicles has been exciting. Riga purchased a steam pump known as Fire King produced by Merryweather & sons in 1910 and it was in operation until 1925. A firefighters' automobile D24/40 produced by the Russian-Baltic Carriage Factory in Riga in 1912 is now displayed at the Riga Motor Museum. Automobiles produced by Ford-Vairogs in Riga became popular at the end of the 1930s.
In 1929, Latvia joined the International Technical Committeefor thePreventionand Extinction of Fire.
At present, Latvia has a service for firefighting and rescue meeting international standards, with its routine functions expanding also in the area of fire safety and civil protection. The State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia is an active participant in the programmes of the NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre, the Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department of the European Commission and theUN Officefor the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
The euro collector coin dedicated to 150 years of firefighting in Latvia honours the firefighters and rescuers for their professionalism and heroic acts of bravery for the good of the nation.
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Дизайн монеты разработан совместно со специалистами Духовного управления мусульман Республики Татарстан.
Тираж монеты составляет всего 200 экземпляров, выполнена из серебра 999 пробы, масса – 124,4 г, цена - 35 тысяч рублей.
Монета упакована в оригинальный футляр, выполненный в виде одной из святынь мусульман – Каабы, и сопровождается сертификатом подлинности.
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The obverse side of the coin depicts a detail of the bridge riveting with a composition of stylised heraldic animals from the large national coat-of-arms of the Czech Republic in its left part. The Moravian eagle is at the top, the Czech lion in the middle and the Silesian eagle at the bottom. The denomination and abbreviated monetary unit “5000 Kč”, the name of the state in Czech “ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA” and the name of the cycle “MOSTY” are written in the right-hand lower half of the coin. The mark of the Czech Mint, in the form of the letters “Č” and “M”, is located near the right-hand edge of the coin. The reverse side of the coin depicts the Žďákov arch bridge from below. The right-hand lower half of the coin features the text “ŽĎÁKOVSKÝ OBLOUKOVÝ MOST”. The year of mintage “2015” is located around the left-hand upper edge of the coin, and the initials of the designer Luboš Charvát, in the form of the interlinked letters “LCH”, are situated near the left-hand lower edge of the coin.
Each coin comes with a red catalogue card containing a description and the relief of the coin.
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The centre of the obverse of the commemorative coin bears a representation of the strings of a lute embellished with a Renaissance rose-work and tail-piece. The mint mark ‘BP’ and the mint year ‘2015’ are positioned on the right and left of the representation. The upper edge of the is inscribed with ‘MAGYARORSZÁG’. The value numeral and the inscription ‘FORINT’ are placed on the lowed edge. The upper and lower legends are separated by dots.
The reverse of the collector coin bears a representation of the coat-of-arms of Sebestyén Tinódi. The inscriptions ‘1515K’ and ‘1556’ are on the right and left of the coat-of-arms, respectively, with the initials of designer Tamás E. Soltra placed below. On the upper edge, the coin is inscribed with ‘TINÓDI SEBESTYÉN’ and, on the lower edge, with ‘500 ÉVE SZÜLETETT’. The upper and lower legends are separated by dots.
The coin is struck in .925 fine silver and weighs 24 grams. It is 37 mm in diameter and has a milled edge. The non-ferrous metal coin is roduced from copper (75%) and nickel (25%). It weighs 23.7 grams and has the same size and design as the silver coin. From 2014, each precious metal commemorative coin will be issued in a less expensive non-ferrous metal version to benefit collectors who wish to buy the same artistic theme at a more affordable price. By issuing lower-priced versions, the MNB and the Hungarian Mint would also like to encourage younger generations to collect commemorative coins. Accordingly, the Sebestyén Tinódi silver collector coin with a face value of HUF 10,000 and the non-ferrous metal coin with a face value of HUF 2,000 will be on sale at a price equal to their face value.
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Шебештьен Тино́ди Лантош (венг. Tinódi Lantos Sebestyén — лютнист Шебештьен из Тинода; ок. 1510, Тинод — 1556, Шарвар) —поэт, сочинитель песен и лютнист. Видный представитель венгерской эпической поэзии своего времени, один из последних странствующих бардов.
Шебештьен Тиноди был родом из купеческой семьи и обучался грамоте в школе. Умел читать на латыни и знал цифры. Вероятно, он состоял на службе у Балинта Тёрёка, знаменитого участника Мохачской битвы. Тиноди находился при дворе Тёрёка вСигетваре до 1541 года. Захват Буды и разгром его господина подвели черту под прежней жизнью Шебештьена Тиноди. С этого момента он занялся политическими стихами. В них он настаивал на необходимости объединённой и решительной борьбы против турок. С расширением территорий, оккупированных турками, Тиноди переселился в Кошице, где обзавёлся семьёй. Оттуда Тиноди выезжал на политические собрания и поля битв. Свои впечатления он излагал в стихотворной форме, аккомпанируя себе налютне. В отдалённых местах именно из его песен народ получал информацию о происходящих событиях.
На аверсе монеты нанесено символическое изображение лютни. Через центр монеты как бы проходят ее струны, так как Тиноди был одним из последних бардов Венгрии, и лютня была его излюбленным инструментом. Справа от лютни знак монетного двора BP, слева - год чеканки монеты - 2015. Вокруг изображения легенда: номинал монеты 10000 (2000) форинтов.На реверсе щит, увитый лепестками роз и мяты, а также оружие барда - лютня. Справа и с лева от центрального изображения годы жизни поэта. Вверху полукругом имя барда. Внизу - на венгерском надпись: 500 лет со дня рождения.
Монета номиналом в 10 000 форинтов выполнена из серебра 925 пробы, вес 24 г., диаметр 37 мм. Монета номиналом в 2 000 форинтов - из сплава меди и никеля, ее вес 23,7 г., диаметр и дизайн полностью повторяют серебряный вариант.
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- Стоимость каждой монеты составляет 2350 сомов, - рассказал Фалеев. - До нас юбилейные монеты, посвященные 70-й годовщине победы, отчеканили в России, Беларуси и Казахстане.
В центре лицевой стороны монеты изображена цифра "70" в виде переплетенных георгиевских ленточек на фоне салюта. Вокруг - оттиск барельефов с памятника генерал-майору Ивану Панфилову. На оборотной стороне - герб Киргизии и голуби мира на фоне синего неба.
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