+7 495 925-96-98 8 800 600-56-13
Москва, Таможенный проезд, 6с9

Douglas Mawson

An imposing, exclusive tribute to what has been described as ‘the greatest story of survival in the history of exploration’, this official legal tender coin pays homage to the centenary of the completion of the 1911–14 Australasian Antarctic Expedition, led by one of Australia’s most celebrated explorers Sir Douglas Mawson (1882–1958).

Douglas Mawson

A flan of this size gives the artist a broad canvas with which to work, and full advantage of the expansive dimensions has been taken in the creation of the 2014 $10 Mawson 5oz Silver Proof. Unusually for a coin from a Commonwealth country, this exclusive legal tender issue features not one but TWO UNIQUE DESIGNS! Bearing a sharply detailed portrayal of the young Mawson on the reverse, with the ship the Aurora in the background.

The obverse unites the Raphael Maklouf portrait of Queen Elizabeth II with a depiction of Mawson and his two fallen comrades, Ninnis and Mertz.

Data of issue:   2014
Face value:10 Dollars
Metal:Silver .999
Weight:141,75 g
Diameter:65 mm
Mintage:500 pcs
По материалам:


Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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