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The coin Finland Proper

The coin Finland Proper

The coin Finland Proper

A proof-quality Finland Proper collector's coin makes for a beautiful addition to your collection, memento, or gift for an admirer of the province. Order the polished Finland Proper collector coin in a package that tells the coin's story.

Proof-quality collector coins are minted with a polished die, finished, and placed in a protective clear plastic casing set in a package that tells the coin's story.  The coin will best withstand the test of time and remain as a memento in your collection in its original package.

The provincial coin, with a nominal value of five euros, depicts the fox with Turku Castle in the background. The collector coin's reverse bears the historic coat of arms of Finland Proper.

The Fox collector coin is part of the Animals of the Provinces series, which is the third coin series minted in honour of Finland's historic provinces. The first provincial coin for Finland Proper, struck by Mint of Finland in 2010, commemorated the province's tradition of high-quality wood carving with a depiction of the Rusko tankard. 

For the Provincial Buildings series, Finland Proper received a coin commemorating Turku Cathedral in 2013. 

The wily fox

The emblematic animal of Finland Proper, the fox, is a wily protagonist of many fairy stories and folk tales. The fox is an adaptable animal that is not overly choosy about its habitat or food. Despite being hunted extensively, the fox remains common all over Finland. Its intelligence and adaptability have enabled the fox to survive in diverse environments regardless of hunting. 

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Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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